
战舰世界俄服阿尔法测试开启 战斗截图流出

2015-05-21 15:48:03 来源:pcgames 作者:佚名 责任编辑:luzhanyang

  Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Three screenies (one is from gameplay) were leaked on RU server. That battle UI looks interesting, but to be honest, what I really wonder is the water render – we all know how bad the water looks in WoT. I hope that WoWs will have something better than a flatboard reflecting the sky (the way it looks in the hangar).

  是的,该发生的事情还是发生了。从俄服中流出了三张截图(一张来自战斗场景) 。战斗的画面看起来很有意思,但是说实话,我很担心水面的渲染—我们都知道坦克世界里面的水面效果多差。我希望战舰世界的水面效果可以做得比坦克世界那种地板会反射天空景象更好(在机库中看起来是这样)。

  Sure, you might argue this is still alpha, but within a week or so, there will be a first demo playable at Gamescom, so the logic would suggest that the visuals would be given priority, but… *shrugs* We’ll just have to see. The UI looks simple enough.

  当然,你可能会说这才是阿尔法测试,但是一个礼拜之内,第一个游戏样本就会出现在科隆游戏展上了,所以视觉效果理所应该是优先进行的 ,但是……到时候一起见证吧。画面看上去是很简洁的。

  By the way, alpha testing on most servers is open for application, not that I would in any way suggest you to apply to leak stuff…





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