有了这个宏,远程打乾坤剑意太给力了,出了就自动选打完自动选其他没打掉的。 无名是个不错的BOSS,越打越有节奏感,相对剑圣来说没那么无聊,大家可以去玩玩。 /script y0n=y0n or false if not y0n then OutputMessage("MSG_SYS","自动选<乾坤剑意>开启。\n") y0n=true else OutputMessage("MSG_SYS","自动选<乾坤剑意>关闭。\n") y0n=false end rOnce=rOnce if not rOnce then J_NpcList = {} RegisterEvent("NPC_ENTER_SCENE",function() local tar=GetNpc(arg0) if tar.szName=="乾坤剑意" then J_NpcList[arg0] = tar end end) RegisterEvent("NPC_LEAVE_SCENE",function() J_NpcList[arg0] = nil end) RegisterEvent("RENDER_FRAME_UPDATE",function() if not y0n then return end local player = GetClientPlayer() local tar = GetTargetHandle(player.GetTarget()) for tid,ttar in pairs(J_NpcList) do if ttar and ttar.nCurrentLife > 0 and (not tar or tar.nCurrentLife < 1 or tar.szName ~= ttar.szName) then SetTarget(TARGET.NPC,tid) break end end end) end |